الثلاثاء، 13 أكتوبر 2015

Visualizations disease treatment

Visualizations disease treatment
عدوى الأميبا المعوية..اﻷسباب و العلاج
Visualizations disease is an infectious disease transmitted when someone eats or drinks something 
contaminated with microscopic parasites that cause the disease, called Balomaba a single-cell parasites, including the name of the disease came.
These infections infect a large proportion of children in Third World countries, and stresses the global Nizhasahh that the annual number of injuries Kadisal to 400 million in the world, which are among the most prevalent disease after intestinal worms and schistosomiasis cylindrical diseases.
There are several types of which are endemic to the mouth and Oamaaoualansan but they do not cause disease and those causing the infection are the type of parasites and spread in tropical and warm temperate country.
Spread among the poor and all of the appropriate services such as health and clean water are not available to them and do not spread the culture of taking care of them the level of hygiene.
The disease is usually spread in areas where the population is suffering from difficult living conditions and overcrowding, poor health and hygiene levels, and spreads in developing countries in Africa, Latin America, India and Southeast Asia.
It also can be spread amoeba disease among the people by not washing your hands as it should and probably through sexual contact for touching contaminated Members.
(Always read also: cough in children)
Symptoms begin to appear within a few days up to weeks of eating food or water contaminated Pftriaat amoeba, it may be delayed to emerge even months and may not appear at all.
In many cases, the parasites live in the intestines of a person without causing any symptoms, but when you get to the lining of the large intestine causing bloody diarrhea, stomach pain and cramping, nausea, loss of appetite, fever and sometimes the appearance of blood in the stool. In some rare cases, the parasites can be spread and infect other organs such as the liver, lungs and brain.
Basic symptoms
Bloody diarrhea snotty continuously for several days
Severe pain in the anal area and lower abdomen
(Always read also: Wrong habits reduce your child's immunity)
If the doctor suspects that your child is suffering from amoeba disease, you are asked for a stool sample analysis, and treatment will be available as from drugs and anti-parasites, according to opinion dietitian and infectious diseases.
There is no vaccine for the prevention of amoeba disease, but to prevent it is by following the ways of maintaining and cooking drinking water safety and cleanliness as well as prevent contaminated water use in watering plants and plants used for power or any other crops
When you call the doctor?
If you've traveled to the country soon suffer from the neglect of hygiene, or if your child or any member of your family suffers from:
Bloody diarrhea with mucus or
Abdominal pain
Abdominal distension
Pain in the liver place (under the ribs on the right side)

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