الجمعة، 16 أكتوبر 2015

Diseases Neurosurgery


The motor, sensory and sundry other tracts, the spinal grey matter, and the spinal nerve roots should no longer be strangers to you. The terms and symptoms that will be discussed are used daily by clinical neurologists. 
Clinicians often think in terms of "syndromes." A syndrome is a pattern of symptoms (what the patient complains about) and signs (what the physician finds) which suggest the location of a disease process and occasionally its nature. The consequence of nerve root damage (from any cause) is known as a radiculopathy (L. radicula = little root; pathos = disease), whereas the syndrome of "myelopathy"(Gr. myelos = marrow, pertaining to the spinal cord, pathos = disease) results from spinal cord damage. 
Since it is impossible to discuss all types of nerve root and spinal cord disorders in the time available, we have chosen to focus on the clinical features of syndromes caused by compression by tumors or other lesions affecting the nerve roots and the spinal cord. Compression of nerve roots or the meninges covering the spinal cord usually presents with back or neck pain. Back pain is a very common symptom and results in costs up to $50 billion annually for medical care and disability payments. Back or neck pain may be caused by a variety of musculoskeletal mechanisms and the physician needs to be able to examine the nervous system to determine if there is compression of nerve roots or the spinal cord. The anatomy you are learning is essential for understanding exam findings and symptoms of root or spinal cord compression. 
The peripheral nervous system begins at the nerve roots. Each segment of the spinal cord gives rise to a ventral or anterior motor and a dorsal or posterior sensory nerve root. The spinal nerve roots can be damaged as they traverse the spinal (vertebral) canal, but are especially vulnerable in the intervertebral foramina, where the ventral and dorsal spinal roots join to form the spinal nerves. 

Look over the segmental innervation of the lower and upper limbs in the following charts. This should be familiar from your recent Gross ANATOMY COURSE and will help you understand some of the following material. 
Most muscles are innervated by more than one nerve root and the lesion of a single nerve root does not produce well-defined sensory loss because of overlapping of the branches of dorsal root terminals from different segments. Besides strength and sensory testing, the muscle stretch reflexes are evaluated by briskly striking the tendon of a muscle and eliciting a contraction, e.g. the knee jerk

الأربعاء، 14 أكتوبر 2015

Treatment of typhoid disease

Treatment of typhoid disease

Typhoid or known as typhoid fever is the one deployed in the world epidemic diseases transmitted through contaminated food and beverage or through pools are kind of germs or bacteria grow and multiply in the water that is, they can repeat to live in milk and milk products or in water pools for this reason spread in a season summer and not because of the sun as it is rumored to them it is a pollution and germ At most often transmitted through carrying the bacteria in their bodies, especially those who work in restaurants or food preparation, food processing These bacteria Taatach in the gallbladder bag in people with them, especially the injured also gallstones and why the spread of this disease is the low level of personal hygiene and public services, poor sanitation and here detailing the 
reasons for the treatment and prevention of this fever.

علاج مرض التيفوئيد

What is the typhoid bacteria?
The bacterium is a serious bacteria called Salmonella typhi. And is the cause of typhoid fever, which is prevalent in developing countries Wonder presence in developed countries because of health awareness Almtakml.

How transmitted disease infection?
Infection of the disease travels through a pregnant person has this disease live and co-exist within the human body was still pregnant with him, even if symptoms disappear and transmitted the disease in areas where the population does not preserve to wash hands or hygiene or eating uncovered food and contaminated It is transmitted from the hand of the patient with the disease to eat or drink then moves to the other person who is eating this food or transmitted through feces It is transmitted by drinking contaminated water in areas contaminated by sewage discharged water.

The treatment of primary disease is by antibiotics, and do not forget as well as alleviate the symptoms of the disease, where the patient is given antibiotics heat, as well as being supplied with fluid even temper the likelihood of occurrence of drought, do not forget the comfort and the commitment of the bed, as well as proper nutrition, which is one of the most important things. The antibiotic which is one of the most effective antibiotics against typhoid fever is quinolones, but in the case of a resistant patient Kinolon be given Aloztheromaysan or ceftriaxone.

الثلاثاء، 13 أكتوبر 2015

What are the complications of open-heart operation

What are the complications of open-heart operation
ما هي مضاعفات عملية القلب المفتوح
Open heart surgery need for high accuracy and to a surgeon who specializes expert and a team of doctors and nurses skilled, since this process requires high skill and take several hours through which the doctor to open the breastbone (sternum) and up to the heart and arteries and veins, and often prove chest muscles surrounding the heart with tongs Medical special make it easier for the surgeon conducting its operation easily and conveniently, and in some cases the heart is transferred to a special device to lead his job in the perfusion process that the body needs. Open heart surgery performed for several reasons may be the cause of severe shortness of the coronary arteries and lack of ability on the blood delivery of oxygen Timelessness sound to ischemia of the body which is called (atherosclerosis), or there may be a malfunction in one of the heart valves that causes a defect in its main function, and conducted the operation also in the event of a weakness in the muscles of the heart, or to the presence of some tumors that require surgery, or because of some diseases related to the membrane surrounding the heart (pericarditis) membrane. The open-heart surgery is limited to adult are made for the young in age due to the presence holes in the heart since birth or some birth defects that are fixed, or repair strictures against the aorta. Is already preparing for the process of open-heart enter the patient to the hospital a few days ago to be taking the necessary tests and take some laboratory tests and taking different readings of the pressure of the patient and selection of appropriate reading to allow a process with all reassurance, and before the date of the operation the patient is given a special solution to wash it so not to transfer any infection and cleansing his body from any type of microbes to be ready for entry. Some fear an open-heart operation because of complications and risks may occur in some cases, but it must be on the patient's faith in God completely Ptoklh and patience, many open-heart surgery succeeded fully and owners enjoy full health and wellness. Complications that can occur during and after open-heart operation: - bleeding sudden occurrence after the operation requires a blood transfusion and the separation of plasma derivatives, which in turn leads to the occurrence of clotting in the blood may be caused by bleeding the transfer of the heart to the special device which provides the pumping of the heart and perfusion process, the patient enter again to the operating room to control bleeding and stop it. - Expect some sudden heart attacks may occur as a result of closing of some blood vessels during the transfer of the heart to the alternative perfusion device. - Fluid to accumulate in the lungs may cause difficulty in breathing, leading to a sharp pulmonary failure or malfunction of the functions of the respiratory tract. - Some of the people who are suffering from a weak heart and underwent the process may become infected with kidney failure who have dialysis. - There have been some bugs in the irregular heart muscles may continue for a while and are treated with some medical drugs and improve with the passage of time or dealing with electric shock. - Occurrence of some infections or certain types of infection in the wound or bones storytelling that require surgical intervention to install the bones once again giving the necessary medicines. - Occurrence of some infections in the wound thigh muscle which is taken artery that patching is done. - Enter the patient in a coma after the operation may continue for a period of up to date stroke to prevent the arrival of oxygen and blood in the carotid arteries. - Occurrence of urinary retention requires a special Barbah to drain urine and prevent stayed away. - Difficulty in tasting flavors of foods and not eating accept different types and why the amount of the drug within the body before the procedure and some drugs that have been administered to the patient has these symptoms gradually fade. - The volatile mood, depression and delirium at times, and all these things Tbdobaltlashi gradually. Participated article
You well and

Sudden heart palpitations

Sudden heart palpitations
خفقان القلب المفاجئ
Human feel a lot of anxiety because of the disease, any feeling feels harmless for him, find him running down toward the doctor, however that this may not be confusing at all, but the danger lies in not continue to conduct the necessary tests, and because of this it comes to human health , was the need to communicate with a specialist doctor as soon as possible, so as to check on the body, because it is a trust we have, and should not be wasting our health without watching it, or care about it, and it was the most important reasons that Antna to do perform the checks to the large amount of diseases I stayed appear one after the other, and without the knowledge of the most important reasons that led to it, and in the spectrum of Health, which keep it that will help us to pursue life with ease, and without any complications in the future. There are some disorders that Tdahemena suddenly, we do not know its source, may be severe, and may be the most have, but the periodic inspection helps us to live with the discovery of diseases, and work to find medical solutions to them, without any other problems. Palpitations sudden heart: and happen to feel pain running out from time to time, but do not know the cause, and most important of these things are palpitations sudden heart, because the heart is the most important in the body's muscle, and responsible for our lives and for our survival to have life, it was necessary to stand the most important reasons that lead to the occurrence of the problems we are experiencing in the future, known scientifically that the heart that pumps blood to all parts of the body, and cardiac arrest mean the end of life, and death is one way or another. Perhaps any delay in making the necessary examination, the body may expose the real risk, because the sudden palpitations of the heart means to be a reason and clear, a health problem in the heart, and not supposed to catch a heart harmed, the injury is hated, can not find the right treatment for him. When talking with doctors about the disease had to be to stand on the most important reasons that led to the occurrence of this crisis, and the most important of malpractice by the individual, and the lack of attention to health, as eating fat in large quantities can cause very serious health problems, in addition to exercise Violent tired body, and strain the heart, and make it vulnerable to disease, and the crisis is particularly acute. In conclusion, the heart part of the body, and must pay attention to at the latest, until complications that take your life does not occur suddenly, and without any introductions.
You well and

Treatment of Atherosclerosis

Treatment of Atherosclerosis
علاج تصلب الشرايين

The internal structure of the human body of the most complex things, the accuracy of the composition and production, is one of the most important things miraculous that live with her man, considered arteries Konabeb narrow to allow the passage of blood, if filled with fat narrowed Fjutea became blood passing through difficult, which qualifies for the occurrence of angina pectoris, stroke, or paralysis. It is intended this disease hardening of the great arteries and medium-sized enterprises, where more than low density ratio greasy protein in the blood leads to its accumulation in the arteries and adversely affects feed the heart muscles with blood, causing insufficient blood crossing in effect decreases the kidneys to get rid of the urine. Some may wonder about the age at which it is possible to become infected with the disease, and in that speech is clear and explicit, is that who used negative eating habits, and in a lot of fatty substances, and dealing with the health recklessly they are more vulnerable to atherosclerosis, and the elderly have the largest share, because their bodies are no longer like the past, and this affects the possibilities of the body from time to time, and lead to a weakening of the body, and not feel comfortable and safe. And the most vulnerable people of this disease are obese and has a severe obesity abound fat in their food and adopt in their arteries dams impede blood, as high pressure and high Alchristrul owners where increases the risk of hardening of the arteries, and lead the lack of movement and lack of physical activity, and sleep stomach full of lead to injury heart attack for lack of movement and sleep stomach is full, which leads to lack of full representation of food in the body, which fatty material accumulates inside arteries. Smoking is a common day of the most important causes hardening of the arteries with mental stress and tension and nervousness, often daily routine be bad and a passive causes of heart attacks and angina and stroke. , Valakthar of taking drugs and smoking destroys the body entirely, and works to remove health dramatically, and confuses the body from the inside and from the outside, Viather in the stomach and in the heart and in the lungs, and everywhere in the human body. Atherosclerosis disease: hardening of the arteries from diseases that could find them you just have to follow when treating physician appropriate treatment disease, which will give you the treatment is effective, it is possible to require the disease surgical intervention, there is no problem in this matter, because it is not dangerous that you think, but they are like any other surgery. In the case of prescription anti-platelet drugs rally failed in treatment resort to surgery to open the arteries.
You well and

Visualizations disease treatment

Visualizations disease treatment
عدوى الأميبا المعوية..اﻷسباب و العلاج
Visualizations disease is an infectious disease transmitted when someone eats or drinks something 
contaminated with microscopic parasites that cause the disease, called Balomaba a single-cell parasites, including the name of the disease came.
These infections infect a large proportion of children in Third World countries, and stresses the global Nizhasahh that the annual number of injuries Kadisal to 400 million in the world, which are among the most prevalent disease after intestinal worms and schistosomiasis cylindrical diseases.
There are several types of which are endemic to the mouth and Oamaaoualansan but they do not cause disease and those causing the infection are the type of parasites and spread in tropical and warm temperate country.
Spread among the poor and all of the appropriate services such as health and clean water are not available to them and do not spread the culture of taking care of them the level of hygiene.
The disease is usually spread in areas where the population is suffering from difficult living conditions and overcrowding, poor health and hygiene levels, and spreads in developing countries in Africa, Latin America, India and Southeast Asia.
It also can be spread amoeba disease among the people by not washing your hands as it should and probably through sexual contact for touching contaminated Members.
(Always read also: cough in children)
Symptoms begin to appear within a few days up to weeks of eating food or water contaminated Pftriaat amoeba, it may be delayed to emerge even months and may not appear at all.
In many cases, the parasites live in the intestines of a person without causing any symptoms, but when you get to the lining of the large intestine causing bloody diarrhea, stomach pain and cramping, nausea, loss of appetite, fever and sometimes the appearance of blood in the stool. In some rare cases, the parasites can be spread and infect other organs such as the liver, lungs and brain.
Basic symptoms
Bloody diarrhea snotty continuously for several days
Severe pain in the anal area and lower abdomen
(Always read also: Wrong habits reduce your child's immunity)
If the doctor suspects that your child is suffering from amoeba disease, you are asked for a stool sample analysis, and treatment will be available as from drugs and anti-parasites, according to opinion dietitian and infectious diseases.
There is no vaccine for the prevention of amoeba disease, but to prevent it is by following the ways of maintaining and cooking drinking water safety and cleanliness as well as prevent contaminated water use in watering plants and plants used for power or any other crops
When you call the doctor?
If you've traveled to the country soon suffer from the neglect of hygiene, or if your child or any member of your family suffers from:
Bloody diarrhea with mucus or
Abdominal pain
Abdominal distension
Pain in the liver place (under the ribs on the right side)

Treatment of bedwetting disease

This type of bedwetting, which lasts an advanced period of relatively old, found in about one percent of people almost, and as your condition has improved well, this indicates willing, God Almighty that there is no organic cause is behind this pissing you suffer from it.

You -ahamd to Lh- your condition has improved strongly and a note, and I kept in a good position for a period of six or seven years, then Aaodk bedwetting average of once or twice a week.

I do not ever want you to worry too much for this topic, but completely agree that we have to take remedial steps:

The first step: preferably is examining urine to make sure that there are no infections, or an increase in the salt, though happened and found inflammation or this increase in salts, this treatment is very mild.

Second, you have to exercise sports, any kind of sport that strengthens the muscles dropped, especially Batn-.

Third: Try to hold urine long day for periods of time, this leads to expansion of the bladder, and absorb greater amounts of urine, it also strengthens the valve, which locked up between the bladder and the way.

Fourth: Do not take tea or coffee or diuretics after six pm.

Fifth: before going to bed to sleep at night you must go to the bathroom, and emptying your bladder completely, and after that interrupted urine Sit down for a minute, and try to pay even provide the opportunity for any remaining amount of urine to come out.

Many studies have indicated that a quarter of the amount of urine, or even a third may still be inside the bladder after discharged, especially if human accelerate and the after spending needs.

This is an important, necessary and useful guidance.

Then I want you to address the treatment, a drug (Tfranjl), which is very well known and useful, taken at a dose of twenty five milligrams a day for six months, you can eat in the morning or at night, and after six months the expiration Make pill every day for two months, then stopped get your medicine.

You have to live your life in a very natural, God willing, the Almighty is not there what prevents you from marriage, and such thinking - that is, you will not be able to get married for the existence of this illness - this at the same end cause you additional psychological illness, and this is something that may interest you have bedwetting .

For: Is this disease myself or organic? .. Is really not a disease organically, and at the same time does not say that mental illness, but the phenomenon of some psychological factors may play a role in, and these factors emotional instability, confidential, inability to self-expression, not to develop social skills, as that lack of exercise, and lazing and laziness, is one of the causes of this situation.

On the subject of genetics: say yes, it was noted that bedwetting exists in some families, scientists have differed as to whether it is genetic or is it a kind of social learning, which earned the family members of each other? .. Probably of opinion and who tends him a lot of researchers is that genetics may play a minor role in bedwetting, and when we say a minor role means that some people are willing genetically to the occurrence of bedwetting if available and other factors, the most important of laziness, and not to go to the bathroom at night .

I ask God to you wellness and healing, and I hope to follow the instructions that we have mentioned to you, I mean the instructions medical instructions, I want her to live up to the point where even help implement and benefit from them, and I hope that progress to marry, and live your life normally.