الاثنين، 12 أكتوبر 2015

Treatment mouth disease

So far this week hasn’t been going exactly according to plan. Right now I should be out finishing off an interval session, ready to head off to Norwegian Nationals this afternoon. Instead, I’m sitting inside with a cold, writing a blog.
Instead of doing this, I’m inside writing a blog
In spite of the fact that I am slightly ill, I’m not too worried. I only have a mild head-cold, and I tend to get healthy fairly quickly after illness. My immune system is pretty awesome at fighting off colds. In fact, I would go as far as to say that it is the envy of a large percentage of the cross-country skiing community (although, it is slightly ironic saying this at a time when I am actually ill). I can’t remember the last time I had a cold for longer than a couple of days.
I reckon my immune system is so good because I have a healthy diet and good hygiene without being over obsessive. Athletes in general tend to be ridiculously obsessed with hygiene. Is the milk approaching its used by date? Throw it out! Did you drop your toothbrush on the floor? Buy a new one! It also seems like we try to do our best to help the spread of superbugs. We are experts at getting doctors to prescribe us antibiotics for completely unnecessary things. Slight tickle in the throat? Best have a few days of penicillin! And if you don’t use antibacterial gel about 50 times a day, then you are pretty disgusting! You will also need to use about 50 different supplements and vitamins to keep you healthy. No claim on the packaging is too dubious- does it say it helps your immune system? Better take it then!
I’m not often ill for longer than a few days
I was my hands regularly and keep the house fairly clean, but I’ll eat food that’s past its use by date (as long as it hasn’t gone off), or fallen on the floor. I can go to the gym and not be repulsed by the thought of all the other people that have touched the equipment before me. I do use a couple of supplements myself, but I don’t feel I over do it. I drink one Smartfish a day, to keep up my omega 3 and vitamin D intake; take iron tablets when at altitude, or if my blood-tests show low iron levels; and use Sponser sports drinks and foods when training/racing. I don’t really feel that you need to do more than that!
Because I’m ill I’ve had to have a slight re-think about my plan for the week. Hopefully I’ll be healthy and be able to head to Røros for Norwegian Nationals tomorrow. The first race is on Thursday; 15km skate. I’ll use this to get my body up and going again. I probably won’t do the sprint on Friday; instead I will take an easy day, and hopefully be back in top shape for the 30km skiathlon on Saturday, and the 3x10km relay on Sunday.  Røa IL, my club in Norway, should have a pretty good team for the relay this year. We have a promising junior.

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